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Embracing Evolution: The Journey from AmberLee Contemporary Portraits to Live Out Loud Branding

Change is a constant in life, and often, it's the most challenging transitions that lead to the most rewarding outcomes.

As we announce the transformation from AmberLee Contemporary Portraits to Live Out Loud Branding, it's essential to reflect on the journey that brought us here and the profound evolution it signifies.

The realization that this shift represented another level of growth wasn't immediate—it took introspection and courage (and some heavy prodding from Suzann at Wade Innovation) to recognize it. AmberLee Contemporary Portraits was more than just a name; it was a representation of a specific niche and style - it was/ literally me!

However, as time passed and aspirations expanded, it became evident that my vision exceeded the confines of traditional portrait photography.

Live Out Loud Branding isn't merely about capturing images; it's a holistic approach to brand strategy. It's about empowering businesses to express themselves authentically, boldly, and unapologetically. With this transformation, our services have grown to encompass not only brand imagery but also comprehensive brand development strategies.

The inauguration of our new studio location marks a significant milestone. Here, clients can not only update their brand imagery but also collaborate with our dedicated team to curate content with our Social Media department. Additionally, with the addition of a video production team, we now offer dynamic video content creation services to elevate brand storytelling.

In the realm of design, our expertise extends to crafting fresh logos that encapsulate the essence of a brand's identity. Furthermore, for the Bad Ass DIYer types seeking inspiration and support, we offer content prompt packages and designated studio days for collaborative content creation.

Excitingly, we introduce a new podcast booth available for hourly rentals—a testament to our commitment to providing versatile spaces and resources for creative endeavors. (ETA June)

While the focus shifts towards Live Out Loud Branding, AmberLee Contemporary Portraits remains an integral part of my (our) identity. Fine art prints will still be available at local shows and our print store, honoring the legacy and artistic roots from which we've grown.

As we embrace this evolution, we invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and creative expression. Together, let's Live Out Loud and redefine what it means to stand out in a world brimming with possibilities.

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